I am so
grateful for all of you! Today, we have officially made it half way through our
“Month of Gratitude”. Only two weeks
until Thanksgiving… I can already smell the roasting turkey and pumpkin pie!
I was blessed to listen to part of an audio book by Christian inspirational
speaker and writer Joyce Meyers titled “Change Your Words, Change Your Life.” In
her book, she discusses the tremendous power of our words and provides
tips for making sure that our talk is constructive, healthy, healing, and used
for positive results. Joyce explains that:
"Words are a big deal. They
are containers for power, and we have to decide what kind of power we want our
words to carry. I believe that our words can increase or decrease our level of
joy. They can affect the answers to our prayers and have a positive or negative
effect on our future.”
Our challenge for today is to “change your words,
change your life.” This is something I know I personally always need to work on.
Let us all strive to be positive and grateful with our words and thoughts today
and everyday by doing the following:
Trade complaints for compliments
Trade doubts for determination
Trade self-judgment for self-esteem
Trade bitterness for belief
Trade the world’s lies for a world of love
Over the next five days, I will be touching on each
of the five ways listed above to be more positive with what we say, sharing
insight on how to trade our negative thoughts and words for more grateful and
uplifting ones. Embrace the challenge today as we “change our words” and “change
our lives”!
Gratefully your friend,
“Evil plans are
an abomination to the Lord, but pleasant words are pure. The heart of the righteous
ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things. The
Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.” (Proverbs
15:26, 28, 29 NASB)

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